Types of Root Canals and Their Impact on Dental Health

Root canals are a common dental procedure aimed at saving damaged or infected teeth by removing the infected pulp and sealing the root canal to prevent further decay. While root canals may have a reputation for being daunting, advancements in dental technology have made the procedure more comfortable and effective than ever before. Understanding the different types of root canals and their benefits is essential for maintaining optimal dental health. Whether you’re seeking veneers in New Hyde Park or a dentist in Lake Success, NY, knowing your options can help you make informed decisions about your dental care.

1. Conventional Root Canal Therapy

Conventional root canal therapy is the most common type of root canal procedure performed by dentists. During this procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp from the tooth’s root canal, cleans and disinfects the area, and then fills it with a biocompatible material to seal the canal and prevent reinfection. Conventional root canal therapy is highly effective in saving teeth that would otherwise require extraction, preserving the natural tooth structure and function.


  • Saves infected or damaged teeth from extraction
  • Relieves pain and discomfort associated with dental infections
  • Preserves natural tooth structure and functionality
  • Prevents further spread of infection to surrounding teeth and tissues

2. Endodontic Retreatment

Endodontic retreatment may be necessary in cases where a previous root canal procedure fails to adequately resolve the infection or the infection recurs. During endodontic retreatment, a Lake Success dentist will remove the existing filling material, thoroughly cleans and disinfects the root canal, and then refills and seals the canal to prevent reinfection. Endodontic retreatment offers a second chance to save the tooth and avoid extraction.


  • Addresses persistent or recurrent infections after previous root canal treatment
  • Saves the tooth from extraction by effectively removing infection and sealing the root canal
  • Restores oral health and functionality with improved treatment outcomes

3. Apicoectomy

An apicoectomy, also known as root-end resection, is a surgical procedure performed when conventional root canal therapy or endodontic retreatment is not sufficient to resolve the infection. During an apicoectomy, the dentist removes the infected tissue at the tip of the tooth’s root (apex) and seals the root canal to prevent further infection. Apicoectomy is typically recommended for teeth with persistent infections or complex root canal anatomy.


  • Targets infection at the root apex for effective removal
  • Preserves the natural tooth structure and function
  • Provides a minimally invasive alternative to tooth extraction for treating persistent infections

4. Pulpotomy

A pulpotomy is a type of root canal procedure performed on primary (baby) teeth when the pulp tissue becomes infected or damaged due to decay or trauma. During a pulpotomy, the dentist removes the infected portion of the pulp tissue from the crown of the tooth, leaving the healthy pulp intact in the root canal. The pulp chamber is then filled with a medicated material to promote healing and prevent further infection.


  • Preserves the primary tooth until it naturally falls out
  • Relieves pain and discomfort associated with infected pulp tissue
  • Prevents further spread of infection to surrounding teeth and tissues

In conclusion, understanding the different types of root canals and their benefits is essential for maintaining optimal dental health and preserving natural teeth whenever possible. Whether you’re seeking veneers from a dentist in Hyde Park NY or a dentist in Lake Success, NY, knowing your options for root canal treatment can help you make informed decisions about your dental care. Consult with your dentist to determine the most appropriate type of root canal procedure based on your individual needs and the condition of your teeth. With modern advancements in dental technology and techniques, root canal therapy offers effective solutions for saving damaged or infected teeth and restoring oral health and functionality.

The Difference Between Fillings and Root Canals: What You Need to Know

Maintaining optimal oral health involves understanding the various dental procedures available and how they address different issues. Two common treatments often associated with dental problems are fillings and root canals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key difference between root canal and cavity filling and shed light on the importance of dental care. Whether you’re looking for veneers in New Hyde Park or a dentist in Lake Success, NY, it’s crucial to be informed about the options available to you.

Understanding Cavities and Fillings:

Cavities, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, are a prevalent dental issue caused by bacteria that produce acid, leading to the demineralization of tooth enamel. When caught early, cavities can be addressed with a relatively simple procedure known as a filling. A cavity filling involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the space with a suitable material, such as amalgam or composite resin.

The Difference Between a Root Canal and Cavity Filling:

Fillings are generally recommended when the damage is confined to the enamel or dentin, the outer layers of the tooth. The procedure is quick, minimally invasive, and helps restore the tooth’s function and appearance.

The Root Canal Procedure:

On the other hand, a root canal becomes necessary when the dental issue extends beyond the enamel and dentin, reaching the pulp – the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. This often occurs when a cavity is left untreated or when trauma causes severe damage. The root canal procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning the root canal, and sealing it to prevent further infection.

While the idea of a root canal may evoke fear in many individuals, advancements in dental technology and anesthesia have made the procedure more comfortable and efficient. Root canals are crucial for preserving a severely damaged tooth and preventing the spread of infection to surrounding tissues.

Veneers in New Hyde Park:

If your dental concerns go beyond cavities or root canals and involve cosmetic issues like stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth, veneers may be a suitable option. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of teeth, providing an instant improvement in their appearance.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your smile or address dental health issues, consulting with a skilled dentist in Lake Success, NY, or New Hyde Park can help you determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.

Choosing the Right Treatment:

The decision between a filling and a root canal depends on the extent of the dental problem. Regular dental check-ups play a vital role in early detection and prevention, allowing for less invasive treatments like fillings. Ignoring dental issues can lead to more complex problems, necessitating procedures like root canals.

A dentist in Lake Success, NY, or New Hyde Park will assess your dental condition and recommend the most suitable treatment. Early intervention not only saves you from potential discomfort but also helps preserve your natural teeth, promoting overall oral health.

In summary, understanding the key differences between fillings and root canals is crucial for making informed decisions about your oral health. While fillings are effective for addressing cavities in their early stages, root canals become necessary when the damage extends to the tooth’s pulp. Whether you’re considering veneers in New Hyde Park or seeking a dentist in Lake Success, NY, prioritizing regular dental check-ups ensures timely intervention and a healthy, radiant smile. Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene practices is the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

The Food That Harms Your Teeth the Most

Maintaining a healthy smile involves more than just regular brushing and flossing; it also requires mindful choices in what we eat. Dental erosion, a common issue affecting oral health, is often a result of consuming certain foods that can be detrimental to your teeth. In this blog post, we’ll explore the food that poses the greatest threat to your dental health and discuss the importance of oral hygiene. If you’re in the New Hyde Park area, considering veneers, or in need of a dentist in Lake Success, NY, read on to discover how your dietary choices can impact your smile.

Understanding Dental Erosion

Dental erosion is the gradual loss of the tooth’s enamel, the hard outer layer that protects against decay. This process can be caused by various factors, including acidic foods and beverages that weaken the enamel over time. When enamel is compromised, it can lead to tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and an increased risk of cavities.

The Culprit: Acidic Foods

One of the main contributors to dental erosion is the consumption of acidic foods. These foods can wear down the enamel, making teeth more susceptible to damage. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and certain berries are examples of acidic foods that, while nutritious, should be consumed in moderation. Additionally, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and even some sports drinks can be highly acidic and harmful to tooth enamel.

It’s essential to be mindful of your acid intake and balance it with alkaline foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts, which can help neutralize acids and promote a healthier oral environment.

The Importance of Oral Hygiene

While dietary choices play a significant role in dental health, oral hygiene practices are equally crucial. Regular brushing and flossing help remove plaque and bacteria, preventing the buildup of harmful substances that can contribute to dental erosion. Using fluoride toothpaste can strengthen enamel and provide an added layer of protection against acid attacks.

If you’re concerned about dental erosion or other issues affecting the appearance of your teeth, it’s advisable to consult with a dentist. For those in the New Hyde Park area, exploring options like veneers can be a viable solution. Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are custom-designed to cover the front surface of teeth, improving their appearance and providing an extra layer of protection.

Veneers in New Hyde Park

Veneers can be an excellent option for individuals looking to address cosmetic concerns such as stains, chips, or gaps in their teeth. These thin shells are bonded to the front of existing teeth, creating a natural-looking and durable solution. If you’re considering veneers in New Hyde Park, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified dentist who can assess your oral health and determine if veneers are the right option for you.

Finding a Dentist in Lake Success, NY

Whether you’re interested in veneers or require general dental care, finding a trusted dentist is key to maintaining optimal oral health. In Lake Success, NY, there are reputable dental practices like NH Park Dental that offer a range of services, from preventive care to cosmetic dentistry. Regular check-ups and professional cleanings can help detect issues early on and ensure your smile stays healthy and vibrant.

In conclusion, being mindful of the foods that can harm your teeth and adopting good oral hygiene practices are essential steps in preserving your dental health. If you’re in the New Hyde Park area, exploring options like veneers, or in need of a dentist in Lake Success, NY, taking proactive steps today can lead to a brighter and healthier smile tomorrow.

When Should You Schedule an Appointment for Our Dental Extractions in New Hyde Park?

If you’re experiencing dental issues that may require a tooth extraction, you’re probably wondering when the right time is to schedule a tooth extraction consultation. At NH Park Dental, we understand that dental extraction solutions are a significant decision for our patients in New Hyde Park and the surrounding areas. We’re here to guide you through the process and help you determine when it’s time to take that important step. But first, let’s explore some common scenarios that may necessitate a tooth extraction and how veneers in New Hyde Park and dentists in Lake Success, NY, can play a role in your oral health.

1. Severe Tooth Decay or Damage:

One of the most common reasons for tooth extractions is severe tooth decay or damage. If a tooth has extensive decay or has been significantly damaged due to injury or trauma, it may not be salvageable through traditional dental treatments like fillings or crowns. In such cases, a dental extraction may be recommended to prevent the spread of infection or further complications.

2. Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often don’t have enough space to emerge properly in the mouth. This can lead to impaction, causing pain, infection, and even damage to adjacent teeth. When your dentist in Lake Success, NY, determines that your wisdom teeth are causing problems, they may recommend extraction.

3. Orthodontic Treatment:

Sometimes, orthodontic treatment plans require the removal of one or more teeth to create enough space for proper alignment. Your dentist will collaborate with your orthodontist to determine if tooth extraction is necessary as part of your orthodontic journey.

4. Periodontal Disease:

Advanced gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can lead to tooth loss. If your dentist determines that a tooth has been significantly affected by periodontal disease and can’t be saved, they may recommend extraction to prevent further complications.

5. Crowding Issues:

Crowded teeth can affect your bite and overall dental health. In some cases, extracting a tooth can alleviate crowding and create space for your teeth to align correctly.

Now that we’ve covered some common reasons for tooth extractions, let’s talk about when you should schedule an appointment for our dental extractions in New Hyde Park.

1. Persistent Pain:

If you’re experiencing persistent dental pain that isn’t relieved by over-the-counter pain relievers, it’s essential to schedule a tooth extraction consultation. Ignoring ongoing pain can lead to more severe dental problems.

2. Infection or Abscess:

An oral infection can be a serious issue, affecting not only the tooth but also the surrounding tissues and bone. If you notice symptoms like swelling, pus, or a bad taste in your mouth, contact our dental office immediately for a consultation.

3. Wisdom Teeth Troubles:

If your wisdom teeth are causing pain, discomfort, or other issues, it’s time to schedule a consultation. Wisdom teeth problems often worsen over time, so addressing them promptly is essential.

4. Orthodontic Treatment Planning:

If you’re planning to undergo orthodontic treatment and your orthodontist recommends tooth extraction as part of your treatment plan, schedule a consultation with our dental team to discuss the procedure and any concerns you may have.

5. Regular Dental Checkups:

Even if you’re not experiencing any immediate dental problems, regular dental checkups are crucial for detecting issues early on. Your dentist can assess your oral health and recommend extractions if necessary.

At NH Park Dental, we are committed to providing high-quality dental extraction solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced team of dentists in Lake Success, NY, and New Hyde Park is here to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the extraction process.

Remember that tooth extractions are not the end of your dental journey. Depending on your situation, your dentist may discuss options like veneers in New Hyde Park to restore your smile and improve your oral health. Veneers are a fantastic cosmetic dentistry option that can enhance the appearance of your teeth, covering imperfections and creating a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

In conclusion, if you’re experiencing dental issues or have concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to schedule a tooth extraction consultation with NH Park Dental. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process, discuss your options, and provide the dental care you need to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. Your oral health is our priority, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

How Dental Veneers Can Transform Smiles for Individuals with Missing Teeth

A bright and confident smile can do wonders for one’s self-esteem and overall appearance. However, missing teeth can often hinder people from flashing that radiant grin. Dental veneers emerge as a remarkable solution for individuals with missing teeth, offering a transformative way to regain their confidence and restore their smile. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of dental veneers and explore how they can work wonders for people dealing with missing teeth. If you’re seeking veneers in New Hyde Park or the expertise of a dentist in Lake Success, NY, read on to discover the benefits of this revolutionary dental treatment.

Understanding Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from high-quality dental materials, typically porcelain or composite resin. These shells are meticulously designed to cover the front surface of teeth, effectively enhancing their appearance and restoring their function. Veneers are a popular choice for individuals looking to address a variety of dental imperfections, including discoloration, misalignment, chips, and even gaps caused by missing teeth.

The Magic of Veneers for Missing Teeth

When it comes to dealing with missing teeth, dental veneers offer an impressive solution. Here’s how they work their magic:

  1. Filling the Gaps: Veneers are skillfully crafted to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, concealing the gaps left by missing teeth. By doing so, they create a uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile that boosts your confidence and enhances your facial features.
  2. Instant Orthodontics: While dental braces and aligners are effective for correcting misaligned teeth, veneers provide an alternative solution for minor misalignments. They can help in cases where the gaps left by missing teeth cause neighboring teeth to shift out of position. Veneers can restore the appearance of aligned teeth without the need for extensive orthodontic treatment.
  3. Restoring Functionality: Missing teeth can impact your ability to chew and speak properly. Dental veneers not only improve the appearance of your smile but also restore the functionality of your teeth. By providing a smooth and even surface, veneers facilitate proper chewing and articulation, ensuring you can enjoy your favorite foods and communicate with confidence.
  4. Enhanced Confidence: A smile marred by missing teeth can take a toll on your self-esteem. Dental veneers help restore your smile’s beauty, giving you the confidence to interact socially and professionally without feeling self-conscious about your appearance.

The Process of Getting Veneers

Getting dental veneers is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps:

  1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a reputable dentist in Lake Success, NY, or New Hyde Park, who specializes in veneers. During this appointment, your dentist will assess your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine whether veneers are the right option for you.
  2. Treatment Plan: Once veneers are deemed suitable for your needs, your dentist will create a personalized treatment plan. This plan will address the number of veneers required, the desired shade, and other relevant details.
  3. Preparation: In most cases, a small amount of enamel is gently removed from the front surface of your teeth to ensure a secure fit for the veneers. Impressions of your teeth are then taken to craft custom veneers that perfectly match your smile.
  4. Placement: Once your veneers are ready, your dentist will carefully bond them to your teeth using a strong adhesive. The result is a transformed smile that looks and feels natural.

Dental veneers are a remarkable solution for individuals with missing teeth, offering a path to a stunning smile and renewed self-confidence. Whether you’re in search of veneers in New Hyde Park or seeking a skilled dentist in Lake Success, NY, these custom-made shells can work wonders in filling gaps, restoring functionality, and enhancing your overall appearance. Say goodbye to the insecurities caused by missing teeth and embrace the transformative power of dental veneers for a radiant and confident smile that truly shines.

Transform Your Smile with Veneers in New Hyde Park

Do you have a smile that you are not happy with? Are your teeth stained, chipped, or crooked? If so, veneers may be the solution for you. Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain bonded to the front of your teeth. They can be used to correct a variety of dental problems in individuals. Read on to learn more about how veneers in New Hyde Park can help you transform your smile. 

1) Fill in Teeth Gaps

Gaps occur when teeth are missing or when the distance between two or more teeth is too broad. This can make you self-conscious about your smile and make you feel embarrassed in social situations. Veneers in Hyde Park provide an excellent solution for filling in gaps and creating a beautiful, natural-looking smile. They are easy to apply and will match the color of your existing teeth. 

2) Make Teeth Look Even and Uniform

If some of your teeth are much longer or shorter than others, this can make your smile look uneven. Veneers provide an easy way to make all the teeth uniform in size and shape for a balanced, attractive smile. They can be adjusted to match the color of your other teeth for a truly natural look.

3) Repairing Fractured or Worn Teeth

Veneers are perfect for restoring a broken, chipped, stained, or worn tooth. The thin porcelain shells help to disguise any fractures, chips, stains, and worn enamel that can occur over time. Plus, veneers provide strength and durability to the teeth. A Lake Success dentist in New Hyde Park can determine the best material for your situation. Veneers are a great choice if you want to improve the appearance of damaged or worn teeth dramatically. 

5) Remove Stains and Discoloration

Veneers can completely cover your teeth and remove stubborn stains, discoloration, or tooth damage due to decay or trauma. This means you won’t have to worry about covering up discolored or stained teeth anymore. The best part is that the veneers look natural, and no one will be able to tell the difference. Veneers can make your smile look brighter, whiter, and more attractive! 

6) Improve Your Bite Alignment

Bite alignment is how your teeth meet when biting down and chewing. If your bite is off-kilter, it can cause various issues, including headaches and jaw pain. Veneers provide an effective solution for improving the alignment of your bite. The thin shells are placed over the front surface of your teeth to create a uniform appearance and help your upper and lower jaws align correctly. With the help of a skilled cosmetic dentist in Lake Success, NY, you can have a beautiful smile that perfectly harmonizes with your bite. 

7) Address Minor Tooth Alignment Issues

Veneers can help address minor alignment issues, such as slightly crooked or overlapping teeth. This is an effective way to correct these issues without needing orthodontic treatment. Veneers are made of a thin porcelain shell placed over the affected tooth, hiding any issues and giving you a more uniform smile. 

Veneers are a proven and effective way to alter your teeth’ size, shape, length, color, or texture. They can also fix chips and gaps in your teeth that you may be self-conscious about. Contact New Hyde Park Dental for the best veneers to transform your smile!

How to Choose the Best Dental Crown for Your Needs

Having a damaged tooth doesn’t just affect your appearance but also ruins your teeth’ functionality. When you’re looking for a long-lasting solution that gives you a better smile, dental crowns are the solution. 

When getting veneers New Hyde Park, you might not know what the right choice is simply because there are so many. Here is how you can choose the best dental crown for your needs:

Trust Your Dentist’s Recommendations

A dental crown is a synthetic cover attached to the top of a tooth or tooth implant. When you have a Lake Success dentist that you regularly visit and who has recommended getting a dental crown, you should ask them for their advice. 

Rigorous education and experience guarantee that any dentist in Lake Success will know which dental crown best suits your needs. Ensure that you are visiting a dentist that is known to be reliable and trustworthy, so you feel confident about their recommendations. 

Know Your Options

Before you agree to your dentist’s recommendations about which dental crown would be best for your needs, you might want to know what you’re getting into. There are many different kinds of dental crowns that are available today, and you should know your options before choosing one:

  • Porcelain: They appear natural when fitted onto teeth and are especially ideal for front teeth restorations. However, they do lack durability compared to other options. They are more likely to chip in comparison to other materials used for dental crowns. 
  • Metal: Depending on your preferences, you may find silver and gold metal options for dental crowns. While they are not completely made of gold or silver (as they are soft metals), their appearance makes them seem real. They are highly durable and don’t wear down easily.
  • Composite: Made from resin and, as such available in a natural off-white color. They don’t have the best durability, especially when chewing. Regular brushing can wear them down over time, leading to discoloration. 
  • Zirconia: It is a new option that is very strong and highly durable. But on the flip side, they are too strong and can wear down the surrounding teeth.
  • Lithium Distillate: It has a natural look and good durability. You can find this to be one of the most popular options at a dentist’s office. 

Factoring In Cost

When you are looking to make the right choice regarding your dental crown, you have to consider the price. Is what you’re paying appropriate for the material and durability of the dental crown? Veneers Hyde Park can be found at varying prices, depending on where you go, but you have to then consider the quality as well. 

Looking for Professional Dental Crown Procedures? We Can Help

Finding a good dentist, Lake Success, NY can be challenging, so Newbury Dental Group is here to help. We can help you find the best dental crown for your needs that can last years. Make it easier for your oral health and your budget when you’re working with us. 

Call us today at 805-519-8136 to find out more.

5 Procedures That Whiten Teeth

Many people feel that having whiter teeth boosts their confidence. Sometimes, they are embarrassed about their smile because of the darkness or yellowness of their teeth. Other times, their teeth are stained from drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes.

If you feel self-conscious about the color of your teeth, know that you’re not alone—and that there are options for getting whiter teeth. Here are five Hyde Park teeth whitening procedures to help you achieve a brighter smile.

The 5 Most Effective Teeth Whitening Procedures:

At New Hyde Park Dental practice, we offer a variety of teeth whitening procedures to suit your individual needs.

1. In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is one of the most popular and effective ways to achieve whiter teeth. This procedure involves using a bleaching agent that is applied to the teeth. The bleaching agent is then activated with a special light. This process usually takes about an hour, and the results are immediate.

Here’s how it works:

a) Expect about 1-3 sessions in the dental chair, depending on how white you want your teeth.

b) Your teeth will be isolated with a protective barrier to keep your gums safe.

c) A whitening gel will be applied to your teeth and then activated with a special light.

d) The gel will be removed, and your teeth will be rinsed.

e) You may need to have a second or third session to achieve your desired level of whiteness.

2. Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Take-home teeth whitening kits are a popular choice for those who want to whiten their teeth in their own home. These kits have everything you need to achieve whiter teeth, including bleaching gel, custom-fitted mouth trays, and instructions.

Take-home teeth whitening kits are an excellent option for those who want to:

a) Whiten their teeth at their own pace

b) Save money on teeth whitening procedures

c) Achieve long-lasting results

3. Custom Gel Whitening Trays

For this procedure of teeth whitening in New Hyde Park, your dentist will place custom-made trays in your mouth that contain peroxide gel. These trays will need to be worn for a certain amount of time each day, depending on the severity of your staining. Also, remember that it may take a few weeks to see results.

4. Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is one of the most popular and effective procedures. It involves using a laser to activate the bleaching agent, which helps break down the stains on your teeth. The results are immediate, and you will see a significant difference in the whiteness of your teeth.

5. Whitening Tooth Strips

Whitening strips are a popular choice for those who want to achieve subtle results. These strips contain a peroxide-based bleaching agent that helps remove the stains on your teeth. The strips are placed on your teeth and left on for a certain time. You will see results after a few weeks of using the strips.

While there are several over-the-counter teeth whitening products available, it’s best to consult with a dentist before using them. Some of these products can damage your teeth and gums if used incorrectly.

At New Hyde Park Dental, we offer a variety of teeth whitening procedures, including veneers in New Hyde Park, to suit your individual needs. We understand that every patient is different, so we will work with you to find the best solution for you. Please schedule a consultation today to learn more about our teeth whitening services.

How Oral Health Impacts Overall Health

Oral health is an integral part of your overall health. Poor oral health can lead to several health problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even heart disease. Save your teeth and improve your overall health by regularly practicing good oral hygiene habits and seeing a trusted New Hyde Park dentist.

How Does Oral Health Affect Overall Health?

Since your mouth is the entry point for many germs that can cause infection and disease elsewhere in your body, keeping your oral health in good condition is imperative. Poor eating and brushing leads to tooth decay, and allows harmful bacteria to enter your bloodstream and cause other health problems.

Gum disease is another common oral health problem that can affect your overall health. Gum disease occurs when bacteria accumulate in the gums, leading to inflammation and infection. If left untreated, gum disease can spread to other parts of the body, including the heart and lungs.

What Can I Do to Maintain Good Oral Health?

The best way to maintain good oral health is to practice good hygiene habits. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and visit our Hyde Park Dental office for a check-up every six months. 

The Benefits of Regular Brushing and Flossing

Brushing removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth, while flossing helps remove plaque and food particles between your teeth and gums.

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, plaque will build up on your teeth, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. 

Why Should You See a Dentist Regularly?

Your dentist can help you maintain your oral health by providing preventive care, such as regular teeth cleanings and fluoride treatments. They can also identify and treat any problems early on, which can help prevent more severe health problems from developing.

When to Seek Help from a Dentist?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should see your dentist at our Lake Success Dental Care clinic:

-Swelling or redness in the gums

-Gums that bleed when you brush or floss

-Bad breath that doesn’t go away

-Pain in the mouth or jaw


-Loose or missing teeth

-Swollen tonsils or lymph nodes in the neck

Preventative Measures for Better Oral Care

Oral hygiene is one of the most critical aspects of overall health. However, even if you practice excellent oral hygiene habits, you may still be at risk for tooth decay if you eat foods high in sugar or carbohydrates.

You can take several preventative measures to help protect your teeth against tooth decay. First, try to limit the sugary and starchy foods you eat. Also, make sure to brush your teeth after every meal and snack. Finally, schedule a check-up with your dentist as soon as you feel any pain or discomfort in your teeth or gums. Following these simple steps can help keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free.

New Hyde Park Dental provides quality dental care to patients of all ages. Our services include but are not limited to teeth cleaning, fillings, crowns, and dentures. Schedule an appointment today and see how we can help you achieve and maintain good oral health. Contact us for more information at (516)-219-8192. 

What Can My Dentist Do for Tonsil Stones?

Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths are calcified formations that can occur in the tonsils. They are often small, but they can grow to be quite large. Though they are not always painful, they can cause discomfort and lead to bad breath. If you have tonsil stones, your dentist can remove them surgically.

What are Tonsil Stones?

Tonsil stones are calcified lumps that form in the crypts of the tonsils. They are made up of dead white blood cells, bacteria, mucus, and other debris.

There are several reasons why you might get tonsil stones:

1. Poor oral hygiene – If you don’t brush your teeth and tongue regularly, bacteria and plaque will build up and create a perfect environment for tonsil stones to form.

2. Smoking or chewing tobacco – Tobacco products create a moist environment where bacteria can thrive.

3. Frequent alcohol consumption – Alcohol can also increase saliva production and lead to an increase in bacteria.

4. Eating dairy products – Dairy products can increase the formation of mucus, which can contribute to the formation of tonsil stones.

5. Genetic disposition – Some people are simply more prone to developing tonsil stones due to their genetics.

When Do You Need to see a Dentist?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should make an appointment with your dentist:

1. Difficulty swallowing or breathing – If the stones are large enough, they can block the airway and cause difficulty breathing.

2. A sore throat that doesn’t go away – If you have a sore throat and it doesn’t improve after a few days, it could be a sign of tonsil stones.

3. White patches on the tonsils – Tonsil stones can cause white patches to form on the tonsils.

4. Excessive mucus – If you produce a lot of mucus, it could be a sign that you have tonsil stones.

5. Bad breath – Tonsil stones often cause bad breath.

6. Pain in the throat – You might experience pain in your throat if you have tonsil stones.

What Will the Dentist Do?

If you have tonsil stones, your dentist will likely do one of two things:

1. Remove the stones manually – Your dentist will use a special tool to remove the stones from your tonsils.

2. Treat the underlying cause – If your dentist determines that the cause of your tonsil stones is poor oral hygiene, they might recommend a course of treatment to improve your oral hygiene.

Tonsil Stones: Care Instructions

After seeing a dentist, what you can do at home:

Once you’ve seen the dentist and had the stones removed, there are a few things you can do at home to help prevent them from coming back:

1. Practice good oral hygiene – Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day, and floss regularly.

2. Quit smoking and chewing tobacco – Tobacco products can increase the production of saliva and lead to an increase in bacteria.

3. Drink plenty of water – Staying hydrated will help keep your mouth moist and discourage the growth of bacteria.

4. Avoid dairy products – Dairy products can increase the production of mucus, which can contribute to the formation of tonsil stones.

5. Use a mouthwash – Mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine can help kill bacteria and reduce the risk of tonsil stones.

6. See your dentist regularly – Regular dental checkups can help identify and treat any problems that might lead to the formation of tonsil stones.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Our team at New Hyde Park Dental is always happy to help.

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