6 Things You Must Know Before Visiting An Implant Dentist

Visiting a dentist can be nerve-wracking, even when you’re just going for a dental check-up. Being prepared for a visit, especially if you want to look into getting implants, is ideal for lessening the anxiety surrounding the procedure.

Dental implants are the best way to protect and strengthen your natural teeth. Opting for veneers, New Hyde Park with a dentist can help change the quality of your life, but there are some things you should know beforehand: 

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is most commonly a veneer, or artificial tooth root placed either in front of the existing teeth or from the gumline to give the appearance of a proper tooth. In all aspects, it functions as a normal tooth would, maintaining your jaw structure and chewing.

Depending on your requirements and dental hygiene, a Lake Success dentist can suggest different options for your dental implants. Your budget, requirements, and appearance concerns can determine which option you end up going with. 

It’s Not a One-Time Process

Whether you choose to get veneers, Hyde Park, or any other dental implant, it won’t be a one-time process. Your existing teeth will need to be measured, and the tooth that will be implanted will need to be carefully designed. 

A capable dentist will ensure that the new implants you are getting look as natural as possible. To ensure that they do, they will have to place a ‘tester’ veneer first to ensure that it adjusts with your existing teeth. You may have to try these out for a few days to ensure that it feels comfortable. 

Frequent Check-Ups Are Required

Dental implants require multiple check-ups just so your dentist can ensure they are adjusting to your jaw and mouth. You will need to visit your dentist frequently during the first few months for this to be checked. 

Protect Your Teeth

While you may think that dental implants are not something pressing or something you need to get immediately, that can be a wrong conclusion. Dental implants can protect your existing teeth and ensure that you don’t have to deal with chewing problems in the future. 

Feel Confident

Having missing teeth can play a role in declining confidence, especially in your smile. You need to know that dental implants can go a long way in restoring your smile to what it was like before. With the right dentist Lake Success, NY, you can ensure that your teeth look exactly how you want them to look. 

Are They Safe?

Your existing oral health can play a role in determining the success of your dental implants. In most cases, you don’t need to worry about any adverse effects as a capable dentist will recommend implants that are conducive to oral health. According to various studies, most dental implants have a success rate of up to 95% when taken care of properly. 

Looking for An Experienced Implant Dentist? We’re Here to Help!

Dental implants can be daunting, but expert dentists at New Hyde Park Dental are here to help. Your comfort and well-being are essential to our job, and we ensure you are happy with the results. Whether you’re looking for veneers or dental fillings, trust our experienced dentists to get you the desired results. 

Call today at 516-219-8918 to set up an appointment.

How to Achieve a Perfect Smile with Porcelain Veneers?

Do you have a perfect smile in your head that you would love to achieve? Are you looking for a way to correct minor cosmetic flaws and achieve the look you have always wanted? Porcelain veneers will be the perfect solution for you! Veneers in New Hyde Park provide a radiant and natural-looking smile while being durable and long-lasting.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

These veneers are thin pieces of porcelain custom-made to fit over your teeths front surface. They are used to improve the appearance of your smile by changing the color, shape, and size of your teeth.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Work?

First, a cosmetic dentist will take an impression of your teeth. Next, they will send the impression to a dental laboratory where your veneers will be made. Once your veneers are ready, you will return to the dentist’s office for a second appointment. During this appointment, your dentist will attach the veneers to your teeth with a special bonding agent.

The bonding agent is made of a resin material that will harden when exposed to a special light. Once the bonding agent has hardened, your veneers will securely attach to your teeth.

What Problems Do Porcelain Veneers Fix?

1) Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Porcelain veneers fix cracked and chipped teeth by covering them with a ceramic material. This gives the tooth strength and durability while also improving its appearance.

2) Gaps in Teeth

Porcelain veneers can close gaps in teeth. The gap is effectively eliminated by bonding the veneer to the tooth’s front surface.

3) Teeth That Are Worn Down

Some people may have a natural occlusion where their teeth come together and grind them down over time. Others may have had an injury that led to one tooth being shorter than the others. An expert dentist in Lake Success, NY, can use veneers to rebuild the height of these teeth and restore a patient’s smile.

4) Discolored Teeth

Dental teeth can become stained and discolored, whether it’s due to medications, coffee, tea, or smoking tobacco. Sometimes, the tooth’s enamel may be too thin to allow for traditional teeth whitening procedures. A Lake Success dentist can use veneers to cover up these stains and give you a bright, white smile.

What Are the Advantages of Porcelain Veneers?

1. They Are Very Durable and Will Last Many Years

Porcelain veneers are made of very strong and durable material. With expert care, they will last for many years. Some tips for caring for your porcelain veneers include:

-Brushing your teeth twice a day

-Flossing daily

-Avoiding hard and crunchy foods

-Visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings

2. They Are Stain-resistant and Will Not Discolor Over Time

These are one of the main reasons people choose to get veneers. They are made of a durable, high-quality material that will not discolor over time as your natural teeth can. You won’t have to prevent them from becoming stained from coffee, tea, or red wine.

3. They Are Comfortable

If you want a comfortable and convenient idea to achieve your perfect smile, then porcelain veneers are the way to go. They fit snugly against your teeth, making them comfortable to wear and easy to care for.

Contact New Hyde Park Dental for a consultation to discuss your smile goals. Our dentists will then evaluate if you are a candidate for porcelain veneers and what method would best achieve the smile of your dreams. 

The Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a popular choice for people who want to improve the appearance of their teeth. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. They can be made from porcelain or composite material and are an effective way to cover up flaws such as chips, cracks, stains, and gaps.

Veneers in Hyde Park are usually considered safe and effective but there are some potential risks too. Let us weigh the pros and cons of dental veneers to help you make an informed decision.

The Pros

1) Dental veneers look natural

When done correctly, veneers look like your natural teeth. They are made to match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth, so nobody will be able to tell that you have them. Dental veneers come in two different materials: porcelain and composite. Porcelain veneers are the more popular choice because they resist staining and look more like natural teeth.

2) Veneers can improve your smile

If you are unhappy with your smile, veneers can help. They can be used to change the shape, size, and color of your teeth. Veneers can also close gaps between your teeth and help to correct misshapen or crooked teeth.

3) Veneers are durable

When properly cared for, veneers can last for many years. Porcelain veneers in particular are very strong and resistant to staining. With good oral hygiene and regular dental visits, your veneers can last for 10 to 15 years.

4) Veneers are easy to maintain

Unlike other cosmetic dental procedures, veneers do not require a lot of special care. You can brush and floss your teeth as normal, and there is no need to avoid certain foods or drinks. Just be sure to see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

5) Veneers can give you an instant makeover

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to improve your smile, veneers may be the answer. The entire process usually takes two or three dental visits, and you will walk away with a brand-new smile. The process does not require any anesthesia or surgery, so it is relatively painless. 

The Cons

1) Veneers are not reversible

Once veneers are bonded to your teeth, they cannot be removed. Patients must also know that the treatment involves the removal of a small amount of enamel from the natural tooth. 

2) Veneers may make your teeth more sensitive

Some people have reported increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures after getting veneers. The issue is usually temporary, and not everyone is affected. Be sure to discuss sensitivity concerns with your dentist before getting veneers.

3) Veneers may not be suitable for people with gum problems

If you have receding gums or gum disease, veneers may not be the best option for you. This is because veneers can cover up your gums, making it more difficult to spot early signs of problems. 

In conclusion, it can be inferred that dental veneers are an excellent choice to gain an aesthetic smile makeover. The pros of the treatment easily outweigh the minor potential risks. To ensure optimal success with the treatment, be sure to consult with a qualified cosmetic dentist in Lake Success, NY. 

New Hyde Park Dental in Lake Success offers an array of cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry procedures. Our team would be happy to help you achieve your ideal smile. Call us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

7 Signs Your Dental Health Has Gone Terribly Wrong

Your teeth are crucial in determining your overall health, whether it’s your digestion, gut health, or even heart health. Not having good dental hygiene can lead to teeth problems that can cause you to lose confidence. 

However, getting your dental health back on track is only possible when you know what warning signs to watch out for. Here are seven signs that your dental health has gone wrong:


If you notice that one tooth or more has been giving you pain consistently over a few days, do not ignore it. Even tooth pain for a few hours can be extremely inconvenient, and you may have a cavity that requires immediate attention. 

Missing Teeth

While you can get veneers in Hyde Park when dealing with chipped or stained teeth, it’s a different case with missing teeth. Missing teeth can impact your ability to chew food properly and give you digestion problems later. It can also affect how confident you feel about your smile, and ensuring you get it resolved immediately is advisable. 

Bad Breath

Depending on your diet and lifestyle, the reason behind your bad breath can vary. Gum disease and gingivitis can also cause bad breath, so it is better to see a dentist in Hyde Park sooner rather than later when you’ve been dealing with bad breath. 

Mouth Sores

Sores in your mouth can point towards benign canker sores, but there’s no way to know unless you see a dentist. If you are dealing with consistent sores, have your dentist diagnose it right away to ensure it’s not something serious. 

Bleeding or Swollen Gums

When you are not maintaining oral hygiene, bleeding or swollen gums can become common. It can also signify an underlying issue like an irritant beneath the gums. You may also be in the early stages of gum disease, but only a professional check-up can determine what it is. 

Dry Mouth

Consistent dry mouth can be a symptom of a chronic ailment like diabetes. Saliva is an important indicator of good oral hygiene, and a dry mouth can get quite uncomfortable at times. Your lifestyle or lack of water intake could be behind your dry mouth, or it could be a side-effect of another ailment. 

Sensitivity to Hot or Cold Temperatures

If you feel pain or uncomfortable after eating or drinking hot and cold foods, you might be dealing with teeth sensitivity. It can result from a root canal, but if you haven’t gotten that done recently, it’s a good idea to visit the dentist. Sensitivity can also point toward gum disease, a cracked tooth, or receding gums. 

Looking to Fix Your Dental Health? We Can Help!

Whether you are looking for veneers in New Hyde Park or a regular dental check-up, New Hyde Park Dental is the perfect destination for you. Our premier dental clinic can cater to your needs, from providing dental implants to routine teeth cleaning. Our dentists have years of experience and will ensure that you have a comfortable experience every time you visit. 

Contact us today at 516-845-9641 to schedule an appointment. 

How Often Should I See a Dentist?

According to the American Dental Association, the average American should visit a dentist twice a year. However, some of you may need to see a dentist more or less often, depending on their oral health. People with certain risk factors for dental problems, such as smoking or periodontal disease, may need to see a dentist more often than twice a year.

Dental Conditions That May Require More Frequent Visits

If you thing you have any of the following dental conditions, you may need to see a dentist more often than every six months:

Cavities: If you have active holes, you will need to see a dentist more often as they are able to monitor the progress of the decay and determine the best course of treatment.

Gum disease: Gum disease is a leading infection of the gums that can lead to tooth loss. You can see a dentist more often for cleanings and checkups.

Oral cancer: Oral cancer is a serious condition that can be fatal. As with any cancer, you know early detection is key to treatment. You will need to see a dentist regularly for oral cancer screenings.

Loose teeth: If you have loose teeth, you will need to see a dentist to determine the problem’s cause and find a solution.

Missing teeth: Missing teeth can cause eating, speaking, and smiling problems. You will need to see a Hyde Park dentist to discuss tooth replacement options.

If you have any of these dental conditions, see us at Hyde Park dentistry regularly to get the treatment you need.

Dental Problems Can Lead to Many Other Health Issues

Oral health is vital for overall health. ‘Bad’ bacteria in the mouth can often enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other body parts. Poor oral health has also been linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory problems.

Inflammation and infections in the mouth can also make it difficult to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Expectant mothers vulnerable to gum disease are more likely to have babies with low birth weights.

Finally, Oral health is important to your overall health, so be sure to see a dentist regularly.

Good dental hygiene habits, such as simple brushing and flossing, can help prevent many dental problems. Be sure to visit the dentist in Hyde Park for regular checkups and cleanings. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible dental care at New Hyde Park Dental. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

The Truth About Dental Implant Surgery

If you’re considering dental implant surgery, you may have some questions about the procedure.

Dental implant surgery is a popular way to replace missing teeth. The surgery involves placing metal posts or screws into your jawbone serving as a foundation for artificial teeth.

Dental implant surgery is considered a safe procedure. However, as with any surgery, there are some risks involved. These include infection, damage to the surrounding teeth, and nerve damage.

The good news is that dental implant surgery has a high success rate. With proper care, your implants can last a lifetime.

If you’re considering dental implant surgery, talk to Hyde Park dentistry about all the risks and benefits.

Are dental implants a major surgery?

Just as tooth-colored fillings are used to replace small amounts of tooth structure, dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. Dental implants are usually considered major surgery. The surgery involves placing metal posts or screws into your jawbone.

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

The length of time needed for dental implant surgery depends on several factors. These include the number of implants placed, the type of anesthesia used, and the condition of your jawbone.

In most cases, dental implant surgery is an outpatient procedure. This means that you won’t need to stay overnight in the hospital. One or two hours is usually enough for the surgery, but the healing process can take several months.

What are the risks of dental implant surgery?

Dental implant surgery is a safe procedure. However, as with any surgery, there are some risks involved. These include infection, damage to the surrounding teeth, and nerve damage.

The good news is that dental implant surgery has a high success rate. With proper care, your implants can last a lifetime.

How painful is a tooth implant after surgery?

You may feel some pain after the surgery, but it is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication. Your Hyde Park dentist will also give you specific instructions on how to care for your mouth after the surgery.

How much does a tooth implant cost?

The cost of dental implant surgery can vary depending on the number of implants being placed and the type of anesthesia used. In general, dental implants cost between $1,000 and $3,000 per tooth.

Does insurance cover dental implant surgery?

Dental implant surgery is usually not covered by insurance. However, some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of the procedure. Check with your insurance provider to see if dental implant surgery is covered.

Are there any alternatives to dental implants?

There are a few alternatives to dental implants. These include bridges and dentures. However, dental implants are the most reliable way to replace missing teeth.

If you’re considering dental implants, talk to New Hyde Park dental about all the risks and benefits. Set up a consultation today to learn more about this popular tooth replacement option.

4 Truths about Oral Cancer

We want to take this opportunity to talk about a topic that is often overlooked: oral cancer. This is a severe disease that can be deadly if not caught early.

If you are at high risk for oral cancer or if you have been recently diagnosed, it is essential to educate yourself on the facts about this disease. Your Hyde Park dentist can help you find the correct facts about this disease. 

Risk Factors of Oral Cancer and Its Symptoms

While this type of cancer is not as common as other types of cancer, it is essential to be aware of the risk factors and symptoms to catch it early if you do develop it.

Most cases of oral cancer are caused by tobacco use, whether it be smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes or using chewing tobacco. Alcohol abuse is also a significant risk factor, particularly when combined with tobacco use. Other risk factors include excessive sun exposure (which can cause lip cancer), a diet low in fruits and vegetables, and HPV infection.

Symptoms of oral cancer include persistent soreness or numbness in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, a lump on the lip or mouth, pain when chewing, white or red patches inside the mouth, and swollen lymph nodes. If you experience any of such symptoms for more than two weeks, you should see a doctor so that they can rule out other causes and possibly catch oral cancer in its early stages.

Truths To Know

1. Oral Cancer Is Often Diagnosed Late Because It Doesn’t Cause Any Pain

One of the most dangerous things about oral cancer is that it often doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort in the early stages. This means that people can have the disease for months or even years without knowing it. By the time they start to experience symptoms, the cancer has usually progressed to a more advanced stage. Ask our Hyde Park dentistry clinic to provide you with a list of signs that shows the risk of oral cancer. 

2. The 5-Year Survival Rate for Oral Cancer Is Only About 50%

The five-year survival rate for oral cancer is only about 50%. This is because the disease is often not diagnosed until it is in a more advanced stage. When caught early, the survival rate jumps to 80-90%.

3. Oral Cancer Can Be Deadly

About 53,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year, and about 11,000 people die from the disease. While it is a severe disease, there is good news. The good news is that oral cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. By quitting tobacco and alcohol, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. 

4. Early Detection Is Key

As with any cancer, early detection is critical. The earlier oral cancer is caught, the better the chances are of surviving the disease. If you are at risk for oral cancer or if you have been recently diagnosed, it is essential to educate yourself on the facts about this disease. By knowing the risks and symptoms, you can catch the disease early and improve your chances of survival.

If you or someone you know is at risk for oral cancer, don’t hesitate to schedule a screening with your dentist in Hyde Park.

5 Procedures That Whiten Teeth

Many people feel that having whiter teeth boosts their confidence. Sometimes, they are embarrassed about their smile because of the darkness or yellowness of their teeth. Other times, their teeth are stained from drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes.

If you feel self-conscious about the color of your teeth, know that you’re not alone—and that there are options for getting whiter teeth. Here are five Hyde Park teeth whitening procedures to help you achieve a brighter smile.

The 5 Most Effective Teeth Whitening Procedures:

At New Hyde Park Dental practice, we offer a variety of teeth whitening procedures to suit your individual needs.

1. In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is one of the most popular and effective ways to achieve whiter teeth. This procedure involves using a bleaching agent that is applied to the teeth. The bleaching agent is then activated with a special light. This process usually takes about an hour, and the results are immediate.

Here’s how it works:

a) Expect about 1-3 sessions in the dental chair, depending on how white you want your teeth.

b) Your teeth will be isolated with a protective barrier to keep your gums safe.

c) A whitening gel will be applied to your teeth and then activated with a special light.

d) The gel will be removed, and your teeth will be rinsed.

e) You may need to have a second or third session to achieve your desired level of whiteness.

2. Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Take-home teeth whitening kits are a popular choice for those who want to whiten their teeth in their own home. These kits have everything you need to achieve whiter teeth, including bleaching gel, custom-fitted mouth trays, and instructions.

Take-home teeth whitening kits are an excellent option for those who want to:

a) Whiten their teeth at their own pace

b) Save money on teeth whitening procedures

c) Achieve long-lasting results

3. Custom Gel Whitening Trays

For this procedure of teeth whitening in New Hyde Park, your dentist will place custom-made trays in your mouth that contain peroxide gel. These trays will need to be worn for a certain amount of time each day, depending on the severity of your staining. Also, remember that it may take a few weeks to see results.

4. Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is one of the most popular and effective procedures. It involves using a laser to activate the bleaching agent, which helps break down the stains on your teeth. The results are immediate, and you will see a significant difference in the whiteness of your teeth.

5. Whitening Tooth Strips

Whitening strips are a popular choice for those who want to achieve subtle results. These strips contain a peroxide-based bleaching agent that helps remove the stains on your teeth. The strips are placed on your teeth and left on for a certain time. You will see results after a few weeks of using the strips.

While there are several over-the-counter teeth whitening products available, it’s best to consult with a dentist before using them. Some of these products can damage your teeth and gums if used incorrectly.

At New Hyde Park Dental, we offer a variety of teeth whitening procedures, including veneers in New Hyde Park, to suit your individual needs. We understand that every patient is different, so we will work with you to find the best solution for you. Please schedule a consultation today to learn more about our teeth whitening services.

How Oral Health Impacts Overall Health

Oral health is an integral part of your overall health. Poor oral health can lead to several health problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even heart disease. Save your teeth and improve your overall health by regularly practicing good oral hygiene habits and seeing a trusted New Hyde Park dentist.

How Does Oral Health Affect Overall Health?

Since your mouth is the entry point for many germs that can cause infection and disease elsewhere in your body, keeping your oral health in good condition is imperative. Poor eating and brushing leads to tooth decay, and allows harmful bacteria to enter your bloodstream and cause other health problems.

Gum disease is another common oral health problem that can affect your overall health. Gum disease occurs when bacteria accumulate in the gums, leading to inflammation and infection. If left untreated, gum disease can spread to other parts of the body, including the heart and lungs.

What Can I Do to Maintain Good Oral Health?

The best way to maintain good oral health is to practice good hygiene habits. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and visit our Hyde Park Dental office for a check-up every six months. 

The Benefits of Regular Brushing and Flossing

Brushing removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth, while flossing helps remove plaque and food particles between your teeth and gums.

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, plaque will build up on your teeth, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. 

Why Should You See a Dentist Regularly?

Your dentist can help you maintain your oral health by providing preventive care, such as regular teeth cleanings and fluoride treatments. They can also identify and treat any problems early on, which can help prevent more severe health problems from developing.

When to Seek Help from a Dentist?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should see your dentist at our Lake Success Dental Care clinic:

-Swelling or redness in the gums

-Gums that bleed when you brush or floss

-Bad breath that doesn’t go away

-Pain in the mouth or jaw


-Loose or missing teeth

-Swollen tonsils or lymph nodes in the neck

Preventative Measures for Better Oral Care

Oral hygiene is one of the most critical aspects of overall health. However, even if you practice excellent oral hygiene habits, you may still be at risk for tooth decay if you eat foods high in sugar or carbohydrates.

You can take several preventative measures to help protect your teeth against tooth decay. First, try to limit the sugary and starchy foods you eat. Also, make sure to brush your teeth after every meal and snack. Finally, schedule a check-up with your dentist as soon as you feel any pain or discomfort in your teeth or gums. Following these simple steps can help keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free.

New Hyde Park Dental provides quality dental care to patients of all ages. Our services include but are not limited to teeth cleaning, fillings, crowns, and dentures. Schedule an appointment today and see how we can help you achieve and maintain good oral health. Contact us for more information at (516)-219-8192. 

What Can My Dentist Do for Tonsil Stones?

Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths are calcified formations that can occur in the tonsils. They are often small, but they can grow to be quite large. Though they are not always painful, they can cause discomfort and lead to bad breath. If you have tonsil stones, your dentist can remove them surgically.

What are Tonsil Stones?

Tonsil stones are calcified lumps that form in the crypts of the tonsils. They are made up of dead white blood cells, bacteria, mucus, and other debris.

There are several reasons why you might get tonsil stones:

1. Poor oral hygiene – If you don’t brush your teeth and tongue regularly, bacteria and plaque will build up and create a perfect environment for tonsil stones to form.

2. Smoking or chewing tobacco – Tobacco products create a moist environment where bacteria can thrive.

3. Frequent alcohol consumption – Alcohol can also increase saliva production and lead to an increase in bacteria.

4. Eating dairy products – Dairy products can increase the formation of mucus, which can contribute to the formation of tonsil stones.

5. Genetic disposition – Some people are simply more prone to developing tonsil stones due to their genetics.

When Do You Need to see a Dentist?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should make an appointment with your dentist:

1. Difficulty swallowing or breathing – If the stones are large enough, they can block the airway and cause difficulty breathing.

2. A sore throat that doesn’t go away – If you have a sore throat and it doesn’t improve after a few days, it could be a sign of tonsil stones.

3. White patches on the tonsils – Tonsil stones can cause white patches to form on the tonsils.

4. Excessive mucus – If you produce a lot of mucus, it could be a sign that you have tonsil stones.

5. Bad breath – Tonsil stones often cause bad breath.

6. Pain in the throat – You might experience pain in your throat if you have tonsil stones.

What Will the Dentist Do?

If you have tonsil stones, your dentist will likely do one of two things:

1. Remove the stones manually – Your dentist will use a special tool to remove the stones from your tonsils.

2. Treat the underlying cause – If your dentist determines that the cause of your tonsil stones is poor oral hygiene, they might recommend a course of treatment to improve your oral hygiene.

Tonsil Stones: Care Instructions

After seeing a dentist, what you can do at home:

Once you’ve seen the dentist and had the stones removed, there are a few things you can do at home to help prevent them from coming back:

1. Practice good oral hygiene – Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day, and floss regularly.

2. Quit smoking and chewing tobacco – Tobacco products can increase the production of saliva and lead to an increase in bacteria.

3. Drink plenty of water – Staying hydrated will help keep your mouth moist and discourage the growth of bacteria.

4. Avoid dairy products – Dairy products can increase the production of mucus, which can contribute to the formation of tonsil stones.

5. Use a mouthwash – Mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine can help kill bacteria and reduce the risk of tonsil stones.

6. See your dentist regularly – Regular dental checkups can help identify and treat any problems that might lead to the formation of tonsil stones.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Our team at New Hyde Park Dental is always happy to help.

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