Now that summer is upon us, everyone is excited to get back to a new normal and see their friends, family, and loved ones at various events and BBQs. Unfortunately, all this celebration comes with a price to your teeth. Sugary, acidic foods are tough on your teeth, though they tend to be what is preferred on summer menus. However, there are also some foods that can help your teeth maintain their shine and integrity. Below are the best and worst summer foods for your teeth!

Best: Water

Water is the original best food. Clear, plentiful, and with no calories, most water contains fluoride which helps strengthen your teeth.

Best: Dairy

A cold glass of milk can not only be refreshing on a hot summer day, but the calcium in milk can help strengthen teeth as well as bones. Plus, this refreshing drink can be served a variety of ways!

Best: High-Fiber Foods

Pass the baked beans and spinach, because the chewing involved helps clean teeth in a way like no other. These foods require quite a bit of chewing and produce saliva, while the food itself scrubs your teeth as you chew.

Best: Strawberries

Strawberries, long a dish for summer cookouts, are also a natural teeth whitener due to malic acid. In fact, some people even make their own strawberry teeth whitening paste!

Worst: Citrus Fruit

Oranges, pineapples, and other citrus fruit tastes great, but wreaks havoc on your teeth. The acid that give each its unique flavor wears away at the enamel both short and long term.

Worst: Candy

What is summer without some candy to make it sweeter? Well, too much of the sugary stuff will wear down your enamel and leave you with cavities. While candy tastes great, its not so great for your teeth and body.

Worst: Soda

After a long, hot day, many people want to relax with a glass of soda – but beware, all that sugar and carbonation can hurt and discolor your enamel. Soda is best left as a sometimes drink.

Worst: Pickles

One of the typical accompaniments to any summer side dish are pickles, crunchy and, unfortunately, acidic. Pickles are not often consumed but when they are, their acid wears away the enamel on your teeth.

This year, you’ll have the opportunity to eat plenty of the best and worst summer foods for teeth. Make sure to stock up on the best ones and have the worst ones sparingly to have a great summer for yourself and your teeth!

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