Dry socket is one of the dental maladies feared by so many people who avoid going to the dentist or do not wish to undergo more than routine dental procedures. alveolar osteitis is the direct consequence of tooth removal for any reason and while preventable, does occur in a significant number of people. 

what causes dry socket and what is a dry socket?

While still rare, alveolar osteitis is caused after a tooth is removed and is most common in wisdom teeth removal. During most routine tooth removals, a blood clot usually forms to protect the opening in your gums and allow the healing process to commence. 

However, if a blood clot does not form, it can create what is known as a dry socket. An alveolar osteitis often leaves gums and bones exposed, leading to infection and other maladies. These dry sockets are created through bacterial contamination from food or other objects that enter a person’s mouth. Trauma is another possible cause of alveolar osteitis as a consequence of the tooth removal procedure. It is important to seek treatment as quickly as possible with a New Hyde Park dentist in order to minimize the damage.

Are there risk factors and possible complications for alveolar osteitis?

Generally, there are not many risk factors for dry socket, but people who have experienced dry socket before are more likely to get it than those who have not. Other risk factors include use of cigarettes and other tobacco products regularly, take oral contraceptives, or if you don’t care for the wound properly.  The possible complications for dry socket include healing that is delayed, socket infection, and an infection that spreads to the bone and could hurt other parts of the body.

How will a New Hyde Park dentist treat alveolar osteitis?

Our dental surgeon will quickly work to treat dry sockets so that infections do not occur or spread and lead to further damage. This is often done by cleaning the dry socket to ensure it no longer has any food or other particles. The dentist will pack the dry socket with gauze. We may then later give you saltwater or other rinses in order to clean the dry socket at home, in addition to more gauze to protect the socket from more damage.

What do I do if I have more questions regarding how a dentist treats a dry socket?

Call our Lake success dentist today for an appointment to get more information on alveolar osteitis and how dentists treat them. We’re standing by and available for any questions you may have.

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